Title: Self-Portrait, c. 1928
Artist: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
Explanation: I choose this portrait because I like how the artist uses other drawings and combine them into one picture. In my conclusion, this portrait must be showing that the artist is showing signs of love by drawing two women and a house with some windows. The artist might also be showing that he lost possession of the two women and the house.
Title: Self-Portrait (Split) 1977
Artist: William Utermohlen
Explanation: I choose this portrait because I like how the artist " splits " his painting into two. Half of the head is entirely painted over. The other side shows the photographic print. But the red paint of the background is covering his right ear and the hair as if the artist was a penitent figure or a convict. I admire his creativity and imagination.
Title: Finlay, Virgil. Self-portrait. Graphite, 1933
Artist: Virgil Finlay
Source: http://www.tanianault.ca/thescratchboard/2008/04/14/virgil-finlay-master-scratchboard-artist/
Explanation: I choose this portrait because I like how the artist shades the other half of his self portrait as if he is in a bad mood or just being emotional. And the way he uses his utensils to shade the portrait really impresses me a lot.
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